Saga of a Made Up World Wiki
Finding m
Kingdom: Undead Kingdom
Inhabitants: {{{Inhabitants}}}
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Svarka is a high-security prison for low and high threat criminals. Svarka provides Rehabilitation programs and the Death penalty(by throwing them off the cliff). Svarka contains five floors and is on a cliff of an active volcano. Svarka is also known as "Hell's Cliff"


First Floor: A custody level in which both the design and construction as well as inmate classification reflect the goal of returning to the inmate a greater sense of personal responsibility and autonomy while still providing for supervision and monitoring of behavior and activity. Inmates within this security level are not considered a serious risk to the safety of staff, inmates or to the public. Program participation is mandated and geared toward their potential reintegration into the community. Additional access to the community is limited and under constant direct staff supervision. The Goblins are responsible of this level.

Second Floor: A custody level in which design and construction as well as inmate classification reflect the need to provide secure external and internal control and supervision of inmates. Inmates accorded to this status may present a moderate escape risk or may pose a threat to other inmates, staff, or the orderly running of the institution. Supervision remains constant and direct. Through an inmate's willingness to comply with institutional rules and regulations, increased job and program opportunities exist. The Manticores are responsible of this level.

Third Floor: The "Middle Ground" for violent crimes, High security institutions have highly-secured perimeters (featuring walls or reinforced fences), multiple- and single-occupant cell housing, the highest staff-to-inmate ratio, and close control of inmate movement. Cerberus is responsible of this level.

Fourth Floor: A custody level in which both design and construction as well as inmate classification reflect the need to provide maximum external and internal control and supervision of inmates primarily through the use of high security perimeters and extensive use of internal physical barriers and check points. Inmates accorded this status present serious escape risks or pose serious threats to themselves, to other inmates, to staff, or the orderly running of the institution. Supervision of inmates is direct and constant. Cyclops is responsible of this level.

Isolation Floor: The custody level goes beyond Maximum by segregating the "worst of the worst" criminals and terrorists who pose a threat to national security. These inmates have individual cells and are kept in lockdown for 23 hours per day. Meals are served through "chuck holes" in the cell door, and each inmate is permitted out of their cell for one hour of exercise per day, alone. They are permitted no contact with other inmates and are under constant surveillance via closed-circuit television cameras.






First Floor: Goblins

Second Floor: Manticores

Third Floor: Cerberus

Fourth Floor: Cyclops

Isolation Floor:Moxx

